
Showing posts with the label webcal

Calling a Web Service from T-SQL

First you need grand  permission Ole Automation Procedures to your server. This can be achived by executing the below sql script sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1  RECONFIGURE; sp_configure 'Ole Automation Procedures', 1  RECONFIGURE;  sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1 RECONFIGURE;  Then the next step is to call a web call. create FUNCTION dbo.WebRequest(@parm VARCHAR(20)) RETURNS VARCHAR(250) AS BEGIN  DECLARE @parmVARCHAR(20)  SET @parm= @parm Declare @Object as Int; Declare @ResponseText as Varchar(8000); Exec sp_OACreate 'MSXML2.XMLHTTP', @Object OUT; Exec sp_OAMethod @Object, 'open', NULL, 'get',', --Your Web Service Url (invoked) 'false' Exec sp_OAMethod @Object, 'send' Exec sp_OAMethod @Object, 'responseText', @ResponseText OUTPUT --Select @ResponseText Exec sp_OADestroy @Object     RETURN @ResponseText END replace the