
Showing posts with the label Truncate

List all tables to be truncate

--Get the list of all the tables to be truncated   DECLARE @TablesToBeTruncated AS TABLE   (Id INT IDENTITY(1,1),TableObjectId INT , TableName SYSNAME,      SchemaId INT ) INSERT INTO @TablesToBeTruncated   SELECT ST.object_id,ST. name ,ST.schema_id   FROM sys.Tables ST   WHERE ST.type = 'U' AND ST. NAME NOT LIKE '#%'   AND ST. name <> 'sysdiagrams'   --AND ST.NAME NOT IN ('') -- Specify here the comma separated table names for which truncation is not required   --AND ST.NAME IN ('') -- Specify here the comma separated table names which needs to be truncated     --Generate the foreignkeys drop and create back script DECLARE @CreateScript AS NVARCHAR( MAX ), @DropScript AS NVARCHAR( MAX ) SELECT      ------------DROP SCRIPT--------------------      @DropScript = ISNULL (@DropScript, '' ) + 'ALTER TABLE ' + QUOTENAME(SCHE...