
Showing posts with the label Object

Email Providers

Step 1: Get the NuGet  package    Click here... Step 2 :             string userName = "userName ";             string password = "password ";             var data = SmtpConfig.ForSendGrid(userName, password);             SmtpEmailProvider obj = new SmtpEmailProvider(data);             var email = new Email()             {                 ReceiverName = "ReceiverName ",                 ToAddress = "ToAddress",                 SenderName = "SenderName",                 FromAddress = "FromAddress",               ...

How to get the list of properties of a class?

public List<string> GetPropertiesNameFromClass(object pObject) { List<string> propertyList = new List<string>(); if (pObject != null) { foreach (var prop in pObject.GetType().GetProperties()) { propertyList.Add(prop.Name); } } return propertyList; } public static Dictionary<string, object> GetPropertDictionaryFromClass(object pObject) { if (pObject == null) return new Dictionary<string, object>(); Type t = pObject.GetType(); PropertyInfo[] props = t.GetProperties(); Dictionary<string, object> dict = new Dictionary<string, object>(); foreach (PropertyInfo prp in props) { object value = prp.GetValue(pObject, new object[] { }); dict.Add(prp.Name, value); } return dic...