
Showing posts with the label dynamic

Difference between var and dynamic in C#

var Introduced in C# 3.0 At compile time, the compiler decide the type of variable which is declared.  Need to initialize at the time of deceleration. Visual Studio shows intellisense as the type of variable assigned is known to the compiler. We cannot assign two data type in one variable since the compiler has already assign the data type to the value.       that is : var obj1=1; obj1="hello";    will through an error. dynamic Introduced in C# 3.0 At runtime time, the compiler decide the type of variable which is declared.  No need to initialize at the time of deceleration. Visual Studio intellisense is not available since the type of variable assigned is unknown to the compiler, which will be known only at the run time. We can assign two data type in one variable since the compiler recreate the type when another data type is assigned to the variable.