
Showing posts with the label Lambda

Lambda Query

What is a Lambda Expression?             A lambda expression is an anonymous function. It allows to write a method in the same place you are going to use it.  syntax : Parameters => Executed code. Basic Lambda Expression 1)Where List< int> mark = new List< int> {90, 71, 82, 93, 75, 82 }; var result= mark.Where(n => n > 80); Console.WriteLine( "Values greater than 80 are" );  foreach(val item in result) {  Console.WriteLine( "{0}" , item );  } // Outputs:  // Value greater than 80 are // 90 // 82 // 93 // 82 2)Count() int result= mark.Where(n => n > 80).Count() ; Console.WriteLine( "{0} markare greater than 80" , result);   // Outputs:  // 4 mark are greater than 80   3)Sum()   int result= mark.Where(n => n > 80).Count() ; Console.WriteLine( "{0} markare greater than 80" , result);     // Outputs:  // Sum of mark greater than 80 are // 347